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pogovor v ĆŸivo


Sedma oddaja: 5. december 2022 ob 18.15 uri

Pogovor z JaĆĄem Otrinom je vodila Tatjana AĆŸman. 

Pogovor, katerega ste lahko spremljali v ĆŸivo na YouTube kanalu DBUS in kateremu ste se lahko aktivno pridruĆŸili, je potekal preko spletnega komunikacijskega programa ZOOM.

Ogled pogovora:

JaĆĄ Otrin prihaja iz Maribora, kjer je zaključil Konservatorij za glasbo in balet. Pozneje se je izobraĆŸeval ĆĄe na baletni akademiji v Munchenu. Po nekajletnih solističnih plesnih angaĆŸmajih po Nemčiji in na Nizozemskem, se je odločil za delovanje na svobodi. V tem času je plesal tako v HrvaĆĄkem narodnem gledaliơču iz Zagreba kot v Slovenskem narodnem gledaliơču Ljubljana. Po prevzemu vloge umetniĆĄkega vodenja ljubljanskega baleta, je zaključil svojo plesno kariero. Leta 2010 je ustanovil agencijo OtrinArtManagement, ki je platforma za umetnike različnih uprizoritvenih umetnosti in likovne umetnosti in za tiste, ki te umetnike iơčejo. Leta 2012 je bil angaĆŸiran za dve sezoni kot menedĆŸer skupine Musiktheater im Revier GmbH, kjer je skrbel za baletno skupino znotraj tega gledaliơča. Potem se je posvetil ĆĄtudiju. Ć tudiral je poslovne znanost, nadaljeval z glasbeno gledaliĆĄkim menedĆŸentom. Leta 2017 je prejel magisterij umetnosti in MBA – sploĆĄni menedĆŸment. Leta 2019 je doktoriral s tezo: Razvoj kadrov v gledaliơču.

JaĆĄ Otrin comes from Maribor, where he graduated from the Conservatory of Music and Ballet. He later studied at the ballet academy in Munich. After several years of solo dance engagements in Germany and the Netherlands, he decided to work independently. During this time, he danced both in the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb and in the Slovenian National Theater in Ljubljana. After assuming the role of artistic director of the Ljubljana Ballet, he ended his dancing career. In 2010, he founded the agency OtrinArtManagement, which is a platform for artists of various performing arts and fine arts and for those who are looking for these artists. In 2012, he was engaged for two seasons as the manager of the Musiktheater im Revier GmbH, where he took care of the ballet group within this theater. Then he devoted himself to his studies. He studied business science, continued with musical theater management. In 2017, he received a Master of Arts and an MBA – General Management. In 2019, he received his doctorate with the thesis: Personnel development in the theater.