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Dvanajsta oddaja: 3. januar 2024

Pogovor s Helen Pickett je vodila Tatjana Ažman. 

Pogovor s Helen Pickett, objavljenem na YouTube kanalu DBUS,  je potekal preko spletnega komunikacijskega programa ZOOM, v živo 3. januarja 2024.

Ogled pogovora:

Helen Pickett je ameriška plesalka, igralka in koreografinja, rojena v San Diegu v Kaliforniji, ki je danes označena za eno najbolj prominentnih žensk v svetu baleta. Šolala se je na The Ballet Society of San Diego, na California Ballet in na San Francisco Ballet School. Leta 1987 se je pridružila Baletu Frankfurt, kjer je ostala 11 let. Potem jo je povleklo v igro, zato je odšla v New York, se pridružila The Wooster Group in dve leti študirala igro s Penny Tempelton. Kot igralka je sodelovala tudi z različnimi video umetnicami. Leta 2005 je dobila igralsko vlogo v predstavi Williama Forsytha Impressing the Czar in postavila svojo prvo koreografijo za bostonski balet. Do danes je postavila že več kot 40 baletnih predstav po celem svetu. Med leti 2005 in 2011 je nastopala v Royal Ballet of Flanders in od leta 2013 do 2017 v Saxon State Opera iz Dresdena. Pet let je bila hišni koreograf za atlantski balet. Leta 2020, v času kovid pandemije, je posnela nekaj plesnih filmov v domačem okolju preko platforme Zoom. V tem času je začela tudi serijo pogovorov, z naslovom Creative Vitality Jam sessions, skozi katero je intervjuvala 50 umetnikov. Po celi Ameriki je poučevala improvizacijsko tehniko Williama Forsytha. Deluje tudi kot motivacijska govornica za teme inkluzivnosti, podporo in grajenje skupnosti ter premisleke o kreativnosti. Magistrirala je leta 2011 iz likovne umetnosti v plesu na univerzi Hollins.

Helen Pickett, the California-born choreographer has created more than 30 ballets, most recently Eventide (Boston Ballet), Games (Ballet West), and Camino Real(Atlanta Ballet, where she is resident choreographer). She has been commissioned for future world premieres for the Pennsylvania Ballet, Scottish Ballet, and the London-based group, Sisters Grimm. Among other ensembles for which she has choreographed are Dance Theatre of Harlem, Washington Ballet, and Aspen Santa Fe Ballet; and important international companies in Vienna, Dresden, and Antwerp. For eleven years Pickett performed with the celebrated European dance company, William Forsythe’s Ballett Frankfurt, and acted with New York’s world-renowned theater company The Wooster Group. She collaborated with installation video artists and filmmakers including Eve Sussman, Toni Dove, and Laurie Simmons. She founded and created Choreographic Essentials, an intensive for college-age choreographers, and Step into Courage, a motivational creative workshop. Pickett won the Best Choreographer and Best Dance Production awards in Atlanta (2014 and 2015). She received a Fellowship Initiative Grant from the New York Choreographic Institute, a choreographic residency from Jacob’s Pillow, a Jerome Robbins Foundation New Essential Works Grant, an honorary doctorate from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, and earned an M.F.A. in Dance from Hollins University.